Monday, March 07, 2011

In advance of summer re-runs

Posted by Mickey Z on 03/07 at 09:15 AM
  1. Great posts, MZ, but should we call them pre-runs? Maybe h. sapiens gets there eventually.

    Chris Hedges’ latest should be printed and broadcast everywhere. It needs a few math/data edits, but the argument holds:

    The Twitter version is: We’re fucked. #hopeless #delusional #extinct

    Posted by Zen Prole from Pac NW  on  03/07  at  11:35 AM
  2. Thanks, Zen. On a related note, I just included this in an e-mail to someone defending capitalism:

    Ultimately, the collapse is coming soon whether we want to recognize the folly of capitalism or not. The permafrost is melting, the extinction rate is at a new high, inequality is spawning non-stop conflict and civil war, oil is running out, climate change is accelerating, and on and on and on. I could likely see in my lifetime something along the lines of a post-industrial Stone Age all because capitalists never stopped wanting more. This reality has no ideological label and is the impetus for all my writing now.

    Posted by Mickey Z. from Astoria  on  03/07  at  11:38 AM
  3. Hi Zen...Yes, Hedges has been great recently.

    HI Mickey… Yes, up here they are talking about the extinction of the catamount, a State mascot. Even one of the local schools is named Catamount.  About Capitalism - in a way it failed a long time ago but do you think it will be replaced with a fair system during our life times?  The crooks at the top are idolized by too many misinformed citizens. I just signed the paperwork to be a ‘producer’ of Al Jazeera news up here.  Even Hillary recently testified that the US news organizations are inferior to Al Jazeera, but most will continue to believe what they are taught in school and media propaganda.  Hillary’s testimony started an on air conversation about the fact that US law allows the airing of outright lies, paid for at US taxpayer expense in foreign countries - and how the plan to finance more propaganda from the US will go forward.  The response to the latest news about Bradley Manning is discouraging. The torture of a US citizen on US soil, the stripping of him naked to satisfy some sadistic, perverted urge by US government representatives - all because he is a whistleblower - amazing that the masses are not rising up… Maybe the bottom line is that the culture of the US has stripped many of any sence of empathy. I do not see many of the protesters in Wisconsin standing up for the poor and the homeless. The issue seems to be limited to their own self interest, pensions and collective bargaining. I hope they win and I hope that they will think about those who have even less than they do.

    Posted by RMJ from Ward Churchill 4 Prez Hdqts  on  03/07  at  01:45 PM
  4. P.S.  The Wisconsin protesters should be opposing the real enemy Capitalism - not just one governor who did win an election. Like I keep on saying - voting has consequences. They could have voted for someone who was not a Capitalist.
    Voters’ remorse is painful. I bet that 95% of the voters will vote dem/repub in the next election and on and on…
    captcha says “how”.  I can answer that. Vote against all dem/repubs. Try Socialism. It just might be an improvement.

    Posted by RMJ from Ward Churchill 4 Prez Hdqts  on  03/07  at  01:56 PM
  5. Ideologically, Capitalism is backward.

    “Don’t work together! COMPETE!”

    “You want to manufacture insulin!? BUT I don’t need any!”

    Posted by Rick (the Cartoonist) from England  on  03/07  at  02:50 PM
  6. Hi Rick… Great comment. That is exactly what I heard at all of the health care meetings. “I have health care and you don’t count.” I call it “up the drawbridge syndrome”.

    Posted by RMJ from Ward Churchill 4 Prez Hdqts  on  03/07  at  03:58 PM
  7. So the roofing company owner talks about politicians greed, corporate greed, doctors greed and incompetence, all the insanity and corruption.

    He neglected to acknowledge how wealthy he is and wouldn’t cut us a break on our bill.

    The behavior of the clueless support the behavior of the corrupt, everything is okay since FIX news told them so. The predatory feeding frenzy called america is still just fine with most people who are just trying to get by on their million dollar salary. Few people seem to understand relations between things. It’s all stupid beyond any description.

    Posted by Joe of Maine from The Window  on  03/07  at  06:28 PM
  8. Why are authors, who imply to be ‘more aware’ still writing about ‘middle class’?

    The middle class are supposed to be closer to the deciders who develop a system of classism, expect everyone to comply with, and most people do instead of objecting to a man-manufactured idea of discrimination.

    This is the kind of thing that frustrates the hell out of me. How can false information be exposed if the lie is written as if a cosmological truth?

    Confusion...I keep thinking about lines from the song, ‘Sounds of Silence’ by Simnon & Garfunkel, certain ‘masters’ who spoke about the real answers being found while Silent. The intuitive self we must be in contact with instead of limited brain thinking. The enablers, the doers, the ego that says, he, she is always right, therefore they must be always right is the response by the chorus. What absolute crap!

    Posted by Joe of Maine from The Window  on  03/08  at  06:06 AM
  9. Hi joe and all…

    Speaking about roofers - I just paid $200 for an hour’s worth of ice removal. The ice was doing structural damage and I could not remove it all myself.
    And about the ‘middle class’. My response to them is now updated. I tell them if they are not happy being middle class, they can sign over their assets to the poor and then they too will be part of the poor class and then they will get everything for free - free roofers, free health care, free housing, free education, free food, free dental care… No one has taken up my offer.

    And about Capitalism and the price of oil. The increase is not being caused by events in the mid East. It is being caused by Wall Street Hedge funds and Commodity dealers.  The US is using the unrest to further military plans… But then, everyone here already knew that.

    Posted by RMJ from Ward Churchill 4 Prez Hdqts  on  03/08  at  12:19 PM
  10. Just saw this on Democracy Now!
    “The British journalist Robert Fisk is reporting the United States has developed a secret plan to arm Libya’s rebel fighters. According to Fisk, the United States has asked Saudi Arabia to begin airlifting weapons into the Libyan port city of Benghazi.”

    Posted by Rick (the Cartoonist) from England  on  03/08  at  05:21 PM
  11. RMJ 9 Hello Friend. If people really believe they are part of some middle class, as defined by how empty they, how they strive for the definition of success, defined by the very wealthy deciders, then these people are almost as bad as the ultra deciders, and are they a living contradiction, split in two, not knowing up from down, it taking the big deciders to take from them, and do they have the capacity to empathize with those who have nothing, but also with those who want none of this insanity with all its bells and whistles and destruction, it takes a slap in the face to awaken them to the reality they have been marching in place in quick sand while blindfolded, with ear plugs and reciting the wrong script.

    Posted by Joe of Maine from The Window  on  03/08  at  08:00 PM
  12. Good morning everyone.

    Can a human mind be so twisted, so perverted, so degenerate that committing a heinous act of brutality, of torture bring this individual a brief moment of clarity and peace?

    This is the mind who makes decisions, who expects everyone to comply with their deranged logic.

    It has been said, those who possess the most are also the most frightened and the most afraid of change.

    There seems to be help available for the junkie, the sex slave, the alcoholic. Who will come to the aid of the influential, the decision makers for this is greater than emergency proportions.


    Posted by Joe of Maine from The Window  on  03/09  at  06:05 AM
  13. It seems the answer to your question, Joe, is a resounding YES.

    (Can a human mind be so twisted, so perverted, so degenerate that committing a heinous act of brutality, of torture bring this individual a brief moment of clarity and peace?)

    P.S. Hello everyone

    Posted by Mickey Z. from Astoria  on  03/09  at  11:23 AM
  14. Me again.

    I just put up another new/old post. It seems much of what I’ve written in the past feels so timely again.

    Posted by Mickey Z. from Astoria  on  03/10  at  05:27 AM
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